Archives: Articles

Looking for marketing ROI?

How many times have you heard from your marketing team, “Our conference sponsorship drove zero ROI?” Too often companies think pasting their logo on carefully positioned materials will be enough to generate a return, when in reality they’re barely scratching the surface.

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Five keys to engage your team for top-line growth

It’s been proven that highly engaged frontline team members create superior experiences for customers. And the closer a company’s stated values align with its real culture on the ground, the better the outcomes for achieving higher employee engagement and lower attrition. When this unique equation exists, so does sustained financial performance. It’s called the Culture Value Chain, and we’ve seen it happen.

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Dream Big — Don’t let the present obstruct your view of the future

Take the time to use your imagination in business and you’ll be amazed by what you can achieve. It sounds easy enough, but leaders often have a difficult time letting go of the things they can see or touch to go after ideas that only exist in their minds. There is a lot more risk at play when you rely on your mind’s eye to shape the future of your business. But isn’t that why you are in a leadership position today — to make a great difference?

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