Archives: Articles

The Baby Boomer Exodus — a survival guide

Younger generations offer tremendous technological skills and introduce new ways of thinking to the workforce, but even the brightest batch of up-and-comers cannot soon match the know-how amassed by baby boomers over the past 50 years. Business owners are doing their companies a disservice if they neglect to capture boomers’ institutional knowledge, leadership experience, and sheer intellectual capital before they ride off into retirement, helmets or not.

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A buffer zone is an important part of your merger toolbox

One of our guest columnists wrote about his experience.
To retain the recognition of the other company, a transitional company was created and given a name similar to the previous one. That helped take care of the brand question, leaving the matter of current and new contracts to be resolved, along with, of course, building relationships between the two entities.

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No pain, no change!

That is how you will discover if there is sufficient pain for them to consider making a change to you. No Pain! No Change!

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