As the future of national health reform legislation remains in question and California employers manage the impacts of health benefit cost increases of 150 percent over the last decade, Smart Business turned to Barry Arbuckle, Ph.D., president and CEO of MemorialCare Health System, for answers.
What changes are expected from mid-term election results?
The 2010 health care reform legislation is far from perfect, yet its goals to insure 32 million more Americans, eliminate barriers to coverage for those with pre-existing conditions and extend coverage to age 26 for many young people are big steps forward. Expect vigorous Congressional debate to unfold over the next few years.
Are wellness and prevention programs worth the investment?
The work force is as critical to your bottom line as the quality of products and services. Costs of high-risk workers are nearly three times that of healthy employees. Nearly 70 percent of the nation’s work force is overweight, and each of those employees costs businesses an additional $500 to $2,500 in medical expenses and work loss. Wellness activities can save $1.49 to $4.91 for every dollar spent, reduce absences by 30 percent and help recruit, retain and increase employee productivity. Costs can be minimal. Instead of building a fitness center, offer pedometers, mealtime walking programs and sessions on achieving better health.
Can you describe MemorialCare’s Good Life?
Like other health-conscious employers, we implemented The Good Life to build a culture of excellence that encourages healthier daily choices for our staff. Focusing on such areas as hypertension and high cholesterol, our hospitals offer walking trails, fitness centers and nutritious, lower calorie cafeteria food. We sponsor wellness fairs, newsletters, tracking tools and incentives to improve health. Our data suggests just a 2 percent movement from chronic to improved health can save us more than $600,000 annually.
Is there evidence executive health programs are beneficial to employers?
The stress of long work hours, constant challenges and never-ending commitments can result in lack of exercise, unhealthy diets and skipped doctor visits for busy leaders.
Physicals offer quality preventive care that includes comprehensive evaluations, screenings and physical exams that are personalized, convenient, streamlined and meet the schedules of busy executives. Studies show executives undergoing physicals have 20 percent fewer health claims and lost 45 percent fewer workdays than those who did not.