Easy-to-use Web sites with free information to help you manage your business
Employers seeking information about making workplace accommodations for employees with disabilities can find it online at www.jan.wvu.edu/soar/. The site, launched last summer, is a Searchable Online Accommodation Resource sponsored by the President’s Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities.
The program begins with identification of the impairment and the functional limitations of the individual needing an accommodation, then points to user recommended accommodations, as well as examples of accommodations other employers have made. If equipment is needed, it provides a list of potential vendors.
A resource of online tools for human resources management, HROne helps business owners sort out issues such as balancing privacy and business concerns on the job, choosing and using the best recruitment tools, conducting effective performance reviews and preventing sexual harassment in the workplace. It offers an online customer service and fulfillment center where customers can receive what they need quickly and easily.
This site allows users to tap into a storehouse of knowledge on starting, running and growing a business. Information is in the form of user-generated advice and links to articles and resources from leading online publications. Users can get advice or offer their own experiences on a variety of topics. Online reviews of products including cell phones and Palm Pilots are available.
A kit of do-it-yourself online tools, GotMarketing.com offers help in solving the marketing challenges that face fast-growing businesses. Companies looking for designers, printers or direct mail houses can search an online database of national, international and regional organizations to fit their needs. A direct e-mail campaign service enables businesses to select from dozens of developed e-mail lists or import their own. The site is planning to include an online educational center with free classes, as well as fee-based courses on a variety of marketing topics.
Ray Marano