(Ups) to Ford CEO Jacques Nasser. While Bridgestone/Firestone Inc. circled the wagons, unsure whether to make the tire recall mandatory or voluntary, Nasser took to the airwaves to quell the growing concerns of Ford 4×4 owners. Ford will undoubtedly shoulder some of the blame in this fiasco, but Nasser’s quick thinking saved Ford unnecessary angst to top its already heavy burden.
(Downs) to Ford and Bridgestone/Firestone Inc. Sure, the recall’s moving along, the education campaign’s in full swing, and actions to rectify the problem are happening, but stop already with the finger pointing.
(Ups) to Cleveland. The Comeback City has taken another leap in the comeback, being named one of the nation’s most livable cities. The honor makes it seem like many moons ago when the region was referred to as “The Mistake on the Lake.” What about a new moniker: “Jewel of the Northcoast?”
(Downs) to Gliatech. The Cleveland-based biotech firm’s merger collapse with Baltimore-based Guilford Pharmaceuticals Inc. sends a warning signal to the region’s biotech industry. The bottom line: Don’t lay all your company’s fortunes on the FDA approval of one product. It’s unpredictable and it’s a risky proposition.
(Ups) to the Innovation in Business Conference. Nearly 400 CEOs packed the Marriott downtown last month to hear Mal Mixon, Jackie Woods, Tom Sullivan and Dr. Luis Proenza espouse the power of innovation. What more needs to be said?