Service that rocks

Matt Radicelli measures customer service in pingpong balls. Every Monday morning, employees at Rock The House Entertainment Group Inc. drop plastic balls down a chute for every event they successfully execute. If they issue a refund for any reason, all the balls are dumped. But when they stack up to the top of the chute, the office earns lunch out at a nice restaurant.

Radicelli, the CEO, founded Rock The House with mission and vision statements built around concierge-quality customer service. Sure, invoices may list staging, lighting, sound systems and entertainment costs, but customers are really compensating Rock The House for the experience.

Radicelli strives to treat all customers equally, not prioritizing time for big spenders. But at some signature events, the profit margin generated opens the door to an elite experience. Rock The House has surprised those customers on the day of their event with entertainers, custom-made multimedia content or personalized apparel.

With every customer, Rock The House takes a high-tech, high-touch approach to service. Their RTHLive software provides an efficient platform to track interaction from the initial contact to post-event satisfaction surveys, including every e-mail and phone call in between. Each customer is partnered with a single point of contact, but if that employee isn’t available, another person can step in thanks to the documented communication. Plus, all staff members are trained — and continually educated — in every aspect of the business.

Certain employees are designated “wildcards” at each event, where their job is to await instructions to fill in as needed, relieving another team member or replacing equipment. With that backup plan in place, Rock The House hasn’t seen an unresolved event-related issue in five years.

But if there was a problem, the fix would be simple: If the customer doesn’t get what he or she asked for, expected or paid for, it’s free.

How to reach: Rock The House Entertainment Group Inc., (440) 232-7625 or