Archives: Articles

How to educate employees on emergency department use

Using an emergency department (ED) for routine treatment is generally seen as a waste of health care resources and a contributor to rising health care costs. But any employer hoping to be able to educate his or her employees about judicious use of the ED has to understand this is no easy task.

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How 3-D renderings benefit the design process

It’s hard to come by an industry that’s unaffected by the rapid proliferation of technology, and the interior design sector has not been spared in this technological surge. Hand-drawn renderings and perspectives have become almost obsolete with the introduction of digital rendering software.

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How the ACA guidelines affect workplace wellness programs

Workplace wellness is not a new concept. Many employers offer wellness programs to keep employees active and productive. Every bit as important, however, is the long-term goal of reducing health care costs as a result of healthier lifestyles and behaviors. But not all wellness programs are the same.

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