Archives: Articles

How to make working capital a priority for your business

The financial landscape has changed enormously since the latest economic recession. As easy access to large amounts of affordable credit vanished, businesses quickly realized that they needed to focus their attention on building and maintaining an optimal level of working capital if they were to survive and thrive in the evolving world.

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How new state and federal laws will impact cancer drug costs

The cost of drugs used to treat cancer has doubled in the past decade — from an average of $5,000 to more than $10,000 per month, according to reports. Organizations will soon see two key pieces of legislation intended to help control how much patients pay for cancer treatment and prevention.

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How to examine your print spend to reduce costs and waste

Business print spend might not seem like something that needs to be managed. It’s just paper and toner cartridges, right? Wrong. Most companies could reduce their print-related costs by 20 to 30 percent by eliminating inefficiencies, according to Gartner research.

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