Archives: Articles

The live-to-work generation needs outside interests

For the “live-to-work” generation, “loyalty” was a requirement to succeed at the highest levels. They define themselves by their jobs, the companies they work for and the roles they play at work. Therefore, retirements and corporate transitions are hard.

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How lifestyle medicine gets to the root of disease to improve health

Significant and growing scientific evidence shows that the primary determinant of health or disease is not genetics, but lifestyle. In recognition of this connection, a relatively new style of treatment, known as lifestyle medicine, is increasingly being seen as an alternative to traditional treatments used on chronic diseases.

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How to build, and be a part of, a powerful nonprofit board of directors

The Pittsburgh region is nonprofit rich, which helps make the area a special place to live and raise a family. But it also makes it incredibly competitive for funding, which means nonprofits need to build powerful boards of directors who can help advance the mission of the organization and ensure its perpetuity.

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What employers need to consider as 2015 arrives on the work scene

Many of the key reforms of the Affordable Care Act became effective in 2014, including health plan design changes, increased wellness program incentives and reinsurance fees. Additional reforms become effective in 2015 like the Shared Responsibility Penalty for applicable large employers. Here’s how to review these upcoming requirements and develop a compliance strategy for 2015.

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