Archives: Articles

How to increase workplace productivity with a broad focus on employee health

The goal of occupational medicine is largely straightforward — keep a company’s employees healthy, treat injuries effectively and reduce a company’s number of lost work days. But by using a total health management approach, you can go beyond that narrow focus of workplace health to concentrate more on overall prevention and wellness.

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ACA compliance is made easier with HR information systems

As part of ACA compliance, employers this year will be required to report each employee’s monthly health insurance coverage status and hours as well as the cost of coverage and a benefits summary. One way to cope with the heavy compliance burden is with a human resource information system.

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How to satisfy the fiduciary duties of your 401(k) plan

If your organization sponsors a 401(k) or qualified retirement plan, then, as a plan trustee, you are legally responsible for the decision-making surrounding the plan. These fiduciary duties are something many plan sponsors aren’t aware of. But even if trustees recognize them, they usually don’t understand what the responsibilities entail.

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Be an excellent interview candidate

Being featured as an expert or a contributor in a news story is a great way to build credibility and set yourself or your company apart from the competition. Publicity helps you reach a wider audience and build your brand or name recognition.

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Is it time to integrate your multibank model for the cross-border challenge?

Local banks are often the smart choice for younger businesses, but taking the time to re-evaluate the benefits of a more consolidated banking structure can be overlooked as businesses mature. In particular, companies that do business overseas and work within a decentralized, multibank model can have very little insight into their overseas treasury operations.

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The Chinese investment alternative

Chinese firms are extremely interested in purchasing small and midsized businesses in the U.S. They look for strong brands, distribution, local manufacturing and capable leadership, and are often willing to pay a higher price than domestic buyers.

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