Archives: Articles

Stand out from the crowd, make your voice heard

To achieve economic development success, companies must position themselves to be heard by audiences, including local communities, peer businesses and talent. Tapping into existing resources is a good way to ensure your voice stands out from the crowd.

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Venture for America fellows make impact on startups

VFA is an excellent way to put Ohio’s culture of entrepreneurship on the national radar. It’s a unique opportunity for startups to recruit and hire remarkable talent who might opt to remain in our community after their VFA tour is complete.

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InfoMotion forges a new path to set itself apart and create the unexpected

Technology innovators like InfoMotion take on risks that would make most people throw up, says CEO Michael Crowley. But the payoffs can be huge — the company’s 94Fifty Smart Sensor Basketball was named one of the top 25 inventions of 2014 by Time magazine. Discover more about the fast-paced world of technology startups.

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The tyranny of growth

Growth for the sake of adding top revenues to satisfy stock analysts doesn’t mean anything if it destroys value, dilutes return on sales and drains the resources to work on more productive priorities.

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An economic tale of two cities

As the associate editor of Smart Business Pittsburgh and Smart Business Columbus, it’s only natural that I see some correlation between the two cities I spend so much time working on. This month was no different when considering economic development.

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