Archives: Articles

How to know which customers aren’t worth it

At some point in your career you’ve probably found yourself spending countless company resources to please a customer that could not be pleased. The way you measure a customer’s true value to your business is to grade them.

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Assume you’ll be pitching to sophisticated investors

With so many types of angel investors, how can a founder ever determine how to prepare for such a motley group of prospects? The answer is to always assume that at some point, you will end up pitching your opportunity to sophisticated investors, and therefore, prepare for it.

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Handling helicopter founders in a family business

Just as parents have trouble letting go of their grown children, founders of a family business often have trouble relinquishing control and taking their hand off the steering wheel of the business. Helicopter parents turn into helicopter founders.

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Dublin, Ohio: Where Irish is an attitude

St. Patrick’s Day is right around the corner, but in Dublin, Irish is an attitude that lasts the whole year. From food and authentic Irish products to events through the year, there’s a reason why the city, which knows how to pay homage to its namesake, hosts 2.6 million visitors annually.

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