Archives: Articles

Solve for both growth and profitability

While there are valid reasons in some cases to solve for only growth or profitability, meeting both requires thoughtful planning and execution. It’s something most successful businesses need to live by, and it removes the idea that we’ll grow for the sake of growth and figure the rest out later.

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Measure results and reach more business targets

Measuring results is the key to identifying what you’re doing right, and what you need to improve. Whether your business is already tracking progress or still contemplating how to begin, here are some strategies can help you be more efficient — and ultimately more successful.

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Trends to watch in 2015

JWTIntelligence’s annual report, The Future 100: Trends and Change to Watch in 2015, looks beyond domestic trends to provide a snapshot of global influence for culture, beauty, brands, food and drink, innovation, lifestyle, luxury, retail, sustainability, travel and technology.

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Staying on top of industry, customer trends

Companies need to stay on top of the trend(s). You want to be on the cutting edge, not always reacting late. Yet, how do you even know what the trends are, and more importantly know in time to do something about it?

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