Archives: Articles

How to hit your hiring targets

Steve Jobs said it best when he remarked, “The secret of my success is that we have gone to exceptional lengths to hire the best people in the world.” What exceptional lengths should you take to only hire the best?

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How to be prepared for the new health insurance tax in 2018

In 2018, the federal government will start a new tax on high-cost employer-sponsored health plans. It’s informally known as the Cadillac tax. According to a recent survey from Towers Watson, many companies are already concerned about the impact the tax could have on their businesses.

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Five tips for building a stronger, more sustainable franchise business

Franchising can be a lucrative opportunity for your business, providing the means to expand both your brand awareness and geographic footprint while also earning additional profit through royalty payments. But many franchise systems fail because they fail to build an infrastructure that can support the new business model.

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An artist’s perspective

You might not consider art projects and business to be similar — I certainly didn’t. But the two work together at Pittsburgh’s Conflict Kitchen, which is a combination restaurant/public art project.

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