Archives: Articles

What you do does matter

Why do some companies compete on talent, while others struggle? At the most talent-rich companies, leaders become personally involved in driving the talent agenda, and they stay involved.

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It starts with a little face-to-face contact

Businesses will always face obstacles. They will always need to work with customers or partners. And there will always be areas that can be improved upon. But when the task seems daunting, perhaps the best way to get started is just a matter of sitting down at the same table.

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Seattle’s precedent

Seattle, home to Starbucks and 1990’s grunge music, is setting a new trend. Since 2009, the federal minimum wage has held steady at $7.25. Individual

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The strategic supply chain

In many organizations, supply chain management is associated with the primary notion of minimizing costs. While optimizing costs, ensuring a reliable supply of goods and

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A conversation with Dion McInnis

Dion McInnis, founder of the Empowered Creativity Institute and Philanthropy Liaison, is a local author, coach, consultant and speaker. His focus is on working with

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