Archives: Articles

Common investor behavioral biases and how to mitigate them

Investors often incorrectly make judgments based on personal beliefs, past events and preferences. These biases lead them away from rational, long-term thinking while focusing on only one aspect of a complex problem, often to the detriment of their financial success.

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When do you need a business valuation?

It’s a common to say that your company is worth four times EBITDA, but that doesn’t take into consideration your industry, business risks, cash flow expectation, debt and more. Here’s when you need a business valuation and the importance of it.

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Barbara Baker sets a fast-paced culture at the Pittsburgh Zoo

In her 25 years leading the Pittsburgh Zoo, Barbara Baker has learned that it’s critical to not only celebrate the successes but also laugh off the failures. “You try things — you might fail, you might succeed — but you keep moving forward,” she says. “That’s just so important to be able to continue to do that, even though you might run into some real roadblocks.”’

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