Archives: Articles

Which social media networks should my company use?

Not every social media network will benefit every business. Typically, it’s best to focus on maintaining two to five social networks. The tricky part, however, is knowing which social networks are most beneficial for your business.

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How to enhance your office operations for 2016

Organizations still need to print on demand, but where before they might have printed 10,000 documents and put them on a shelf, now they print them only as needed. So, more areas of a company’s workflow can be optimized with a paperless solution.

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Don’t just offer a job; build a strong culture

Employees want to feel connected to their company, and want to know that their employer is invested in them as well. As business leaders, we should be offering more than just a job, it’s important to establish a strong workplace culture.

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Five ways to guard your privacy against security breaches

This year’s IRS breach in which a multi-step authentication process, including several personal verification questions, was bypassed to access the private information from 100,000 tax accounts should serve as a clear reminder to take many steps to guard our online privacy.

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