Archives: Articles

Can you avoid the highway to business hell?

This may be your once-in-a-lifetime shot as an entrepreneur at buying or starting a business, so try to match it to something that truly interests you. Widget companies can be fun, but they can also turn into mind-numbing boredom after you get everything rolling.

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There are no shortcuts to success!

If you really want to be successful in sales, you can’t shortcut the Sales Process which means you have to know the Sales Process. You only have seconds to make a positive first impression so your engagement must develop “know,” “like” and “trust” immediately. The needs analysis will determine if it’s yes or not now. Knowing your features and benefits ensure you sell value and not price.

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Pitfalls to avoid when building unstoppable teams

To successfully compete in today’s marketplace, leaders and managers must learn to build unstoppable teams that believe they can boldly overcome all obstacles. These teams, which I call “Surging Teams,” use highly functioning interactive capabilities to achieve their unstoppable momentum, accomplish goals and always win.

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Five steps for better customer communications you can take right now

We all know the importance of creating communications that recognize customers as individuals and acknowledge their interactions. However, achieving this throughout the client relationship is becoming more challenging as customers now expect high levels of service through a multitude of channels.

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