Archives: Articles

What you and your business can do to protect against cyberattacks

With all the headlines about massive security breaches at the IRS, major retailers and social media sites, it is easy to think of cyberattacks as a problem solely impacting large organizations. In reality, small organizations and even individuals can be the victims of an attack. While it is practically impossible to completely eliminate the risk of cybercrime, there are several simple actions you can take to reduce the risk.

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What Nevada’s new commerce tax means for your business

Nevada companies, or those that do business in the state, have new tax obligations in fiscal year 2016 based on Senate Bill 483. The bill’s accompanying commerce tax, which is expected to impact some 47,000 businesses and self-employed individuals, is part of a broadly applicable tax package that will contribute more than $1.4 billion to the state’s coffers in the first two years.

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