Archives: Articles

Why it makes sense to lift the ban on exporting crude oil

While it is necessary to import heavier crudes, there will be an excess of light crudes. If permitted to export light sweet crude oil, the U.S. likely will become the pre-eminent supplier. This will result in a boom to the economy by creating jobs and promoting growth across many industries.

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How to overcome the impacts of destructive management

While organizations struggle with finding ways to counter the influences of destructive management practices, you can act and improve your team’s work environments. The three actions above can position you to shift your team’s work environment to be energizing.

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FinTech companies need insurance that can cover a variety of exposures

Rapid growth in the financial technology (FinTech) sector is quickly changing how financial services are delivered, creating both opportunities and challenges. But this growing field is often incongruous with the traditional insurance products that companies turn to for coverage, says Jacob Decker, Vice President and Director of Financial Institutions at Woodruff-Sawyer & Co.

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