Archives: Articles

Resume or eulogy: Which one are you working on?

If you are working toward your resume, you are probably aggressively building a growing business that looks to remove all obstacles by whatever means necessary. You are most likely externally focused on creating wealth and success.

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Succession planning for big ego bosses

The takeaway from observing The Donald is not whether he can earn the nomination, or if he is even capable of running the most powerful country in the world. Rather, it’s that in order for a leader to go on to bigger and better things, or leave a meaningful legacy after fading into the sunset, he or she must be capable of creating a succession plan that can sustain an organization.

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Outcome of November election just what the business community wanted

In November, State Issue 1 and 2 passed, while State Issue 3 was soundly defeated. The outcome mirrors the position of the Ohio Chamber of Commerce on each issue.
We believe the results to be the most optimal result for maintaining Ohio’s positive business climate and for the promotion of economic prosperity.

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Yorkie Doodle Dandy — Uniquely Cleveland

To view the full Uniquely Cleveland: Yorkie Doodle Dandy special section page on our enhanced Digital Edition of Smart Business Cleveland, Click here! Also see: Smoky to be awarded Purple Cross

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