Archives: Articles

How to understand the value of 20/20 foresight

If you keep your boring and safe job, you can keep your boring and safe income, but I don’t know how happy you could be. Through trial and error and after decades of experience, I have uncovered reliable tips to achieve your dream:

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Stop waiting for a call back!

Stop waiting for a call back!
Are you currently waiting for a return phone call or response to an email? Starting today, stop putting yourself in that position. When follow-up is required, you have to control it.

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What entrepreneurs didn’t learn in college about success

Believe in your success on the good days and the bad, and you’ll be that much closer to realizing your business goals. Textbooks can only go so far in your real-world business education. If you have the right amount of passion and persistence (meaning you are overflowing with both) and you refuse to back down regardless of the rejections, disappointments and failures, success is waiting with a big smile on the other side.

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Five things every leader should stop doing

No doubt, you’re probably considering what you can do to become a more effective leader. Sometimes creating change isn’t about adopting new habits but dropping certain ones that you shouldn’t be doing in the first place.

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Problem: ‘I’m not creative’ Solution: Believe you can be

Manage the creative momentum. While collective brainstorming and discussion can be fun while yielding group bonding, the more important takeaway is that the process has helped participants get out of their own way to grab and distill the best ideas that are out there. Having too many ideas can be its own problem, so it’s important to deduce and connect the best ones.

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