Archives: Articles

What has the PCC done for your business lately?

Accounting and reporting requirements can be a significant burden for companies without the vast human and financial resources of larger enterprises. One organization is hard at work to make things just a bit more manageable for these middle market companies: The Private Company Council (PCC).

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A look at what’s in store for the business community in 2016

Two hot topics California businesses will be thinking about as 2016 gets going are a minimum wage increase and a split property tax proposal for businesses that own real estate. Whether you view these changes as opportunities or challenges depends on your point of view, says JC Timmons, senior vice president, Southern California Corporate Banking, at Bridge Bank.

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Increase employee participation in your company's 401(k) retirement plan

As individuals struggle to identify how much money they will need to retire, companies that sponsor 401(k) plans have their own challenges. Many businesses are finding it difficult to design plan provisions that encourage participants to save for retirement at the 15 percent rate (matching included) recommended by most advisors.

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How to make a reliable evaluation of potential insurance carriers

You’re obtaining a policy based on something that may or may not happen and you’re paying a premium for that coverage. says Dawn M. Jaffray, Senior Vice President and CFO at United Fire Group (UFG Insurance). You need confidence that if there is a loss, fire or major catastrophe, your insurer will be there to minimize the disruption to your business.

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Pre-work can help you more efficiently manage your claims

Risk managers typically don’t have the capacity to invest large amounts of time preparing for a loss that may never occur. But when you reserve a reasonable amount of time to prepare for certain losses that could be damaging to your business, the effort can more than pay for itself in the long run, says Zac Overbay, Senior Vice President and Partner at Woodruff-Sawyer & Co.

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