Archives: Articles

Capturing the imagination of your customers

If you can capture the imagination of your customers with originality, quirkiness or by just being different enough to stand out, while meeting a real need, then you’ve got a recipe for sustained success.

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Cost containment strategies that can control your health care costs

Despite the distractions the Affordable Care Act has caused, employers of all sizes haven’t lost sight of the fact that rising health care costs remain a significant issue that needs to be constantly addressed. Craig Pritts, senior sales executive at JRG Advisors, discusses a variety of available solutions.

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Burns & Scalo Roofing gains traction on its workforce supply

In sports, teams have more people than job openings, so they’re able to develop their best players through a farm system. Being a professional roofer doesn’t have the same appeal, so Burns & Scalo Roofing has taken a nontraditional approach to a traditional problem.

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Honor your unsung hero

Business — not to mention life — is a team sport, and every successful leader has a dedicated supporting cast who helps them get there. Within that cast, there is one unsung hero who stands above all others in enabling an executive’s success — the spouse.

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