Archives: Articles

Tips women should know before starting and growing a business in 2016

With the progression from the home to the workplace and into business ownership we now own 36% of all businesses and control between $5 trillion and $15 trillion in purchasing power, and we are expressing our unique views and needs from this position of power.
Unfortunately, women in business have not realized their full potential as our revenues are not commensurate with our numbers — women-owned firms produce only 4.23 percent of all firm revenues an annual opportunity shortfall of over $10 trillion.

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We determine who we are by what we do!

I love action-packed movies so I ordered “Hitman (Agent 47)” and immediately stopped it when I heard, “We determine who we are by what we do.” Isn’t that the truth? It’s not what we say but the actions we take that define who we are and what we eventually become.

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How to modernize accounts payable and accounts receivable

While some understand the importance of automating their accounts payable and accounts receivable, many executives are still apprehensive to adopt. According to a recent study by Corcentric and Ardent Partners, only about 60 percent of payments are made electronically. That leaves many businesses in today’s digitally driven marketplace vulnerable to severe revenue loss.

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The biggest engagement mistake: the 'program trap'

Someone asked me the other day, “What’s the single biggest mistake companies make when they try to boost employee engagement?” The question threw me a bit because I’m generally talking about what it takes to do engagement right rather than what organizations do wrong to mess it up. It’s also hard to pick just one mistake out of the grab-bag of blunders that companies often make. But the program trap takes the cake.

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Preparing to fire an employee — pay now and save later

If you’re deciding to terminate an employee, an important consideration many companies overlook is whether they are creating a risk of wrongful termination litigation. The risk is real, and the consequences of having to defend a wrongful termination claim can include incurring significant attorneys’ fees, the possibility of having to pay a settlement or judgment to the former employee and the certain disruption of ongoing business operations.

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Pain enables change

Always start by singling out the problems or challenges they are experiencing and then drill down to the pain by asking, “How is that affecting you?” That’s how you will identify the pain.

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Bridging the gap: 5 tips for managers to help build young employees’ soft skills

Remember that today’s young employees are highly accustomed to self-directed learning: If they are eager to learn something, you cannot hold them back in today’s information environment. They will go out into the endless sea of information and people online and navigate their own course of links and sources. Before you know it, they will be surprising you with their thoughtfulness, originality and engagement in the learning.

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