Archives: Articles

Five strategies to develop major league leadership in your business

A baseball manager, a sales manager, a vice president and even a CEO all have similar goals — they want to win! They want their people to work their hardest and they want their people to work their best.
Major League Leadership, a model based on more than 100 interviews with some of Major League Baseball’s contemporary managers and players, includes some of the most important strategies to lead our teams to success.

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Why women are better investors than men

Several factors probably lure men into thinking that constant churning of the portfolio is the smart investing option, he says. For whatever reason, the same factors don’t entice women to a similar degree.

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Wipe your feet!

When I get to work, there is a walk-off mat on the outside the door before you enter the facility. I wipe my feet several times and leave any personal problems on the outside. When I leave work, I wipe my feet again leaving any job-related problems at work.

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The million-dollar mistake

Statistics is the most misunderstood tool in business today. This misunderstanding is causing businesses to make poor decisions and to miss opportunities. You can reduce

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Throw out the rulebook

With many startups facing a 90 percent failure rate, the road to success can seem long, treacherous and pitted with obstacles. For entrepreneurs just starting

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