Archives: Articles

Identity theft: What it is and how to avoid it

Of all the things that can be stolen, your identity is probably the most damaging. While material items can be replaced, your identity can cause an array of issues — not to mention the emotional strain and expense that accompanies a breach of your personal information.

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Acquisitions and cultures: The right fit is the bottom line for both; make your decision after careful research

Acquisitions generally fall into three categories:
Geographical expansion, such as in another area of the country or a foreign country.
A new product line that uses your current distribution system. For example, wheelchairs and beds, in my business, are sold through the same channel, to the same people, to the same customers.
Consolidation of your industry. As an industry consolidates, you should become a much stronger player and improve your sales and margins. Improved profitability is consistent with improved market share.

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Engaging employees to live the brand

In order for marketing and human resources to succeed in making the workplace a brand-defining space, a company must first uncover its brand, says Kelly Borth of GREENCREST.

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Why it is so important to express gratitude in your business

This is Leap Day, Feb. 29, and the first Gratitude Monday and time to ask, when is the last time you actually showed appreciation to your clients — and meant it? As legendary coach John Wooden once said, “Although thanks is a rather simple one-syllable word that too often is used without true feeling, when used with sincerity no collection of words can be more meaningful or expressive.”

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