Archives: Articles

Attitudes are contagious!

Every day you will encounter negative attitudes at work and in your personal life. If you are not careful, you can catch their negativity and let it bring you down.

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How to find employees with 'true grit'

Is there a relationship between grit and work performance? And does measuring someone’s “grittiness” meaningfully predict performance above and beyond other traits that have previously been shown to predict work performance?

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Five ways to make a new employee feel welcomed

The first day on the job can be intimidating for a new employee. Just as it is important for new hires to make a great first impression, it is just as critical for the business to do the same. The company must focus on making the employee feel welcomed and appreciated rather than immediately burying them with paperwork and other tasks.
The employee needs to feel as though they belong, so be sure to show them more than just the ins and outs of their day to day. Show the employee what the culture is about and how everyone interacts with each other. It’s imperative to make them excited about their future within the company.

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