Archives: Articles

Legal bills too high? How to reduce sticker shock

Many people who hire hourly-fee lawyers don’t realize that they can reduce their future legal bills by, effectively, becoming part of their own legal team. Semanoff Ormsby Greenberg & Torchia, LLC’s William J. Maffucci explains.

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Rockefeller bought out the competition, and not surprisingly, oil spilled all over

One of the shrewdest steps John D. Rockefeller conducted, historians say, was the Cleveland Massacre of 1872. In less than six weeks’ time, he acquired 22 of his 26 Cleveland oil refinery competitors. The business move worked for Rockefeller, the subject of this month’s Uniquely Cleveland, and gave his Standard Oil Co. a corner on the market. By 1878 Standard Oil was refining 90 percent of the oil in the U.S.
Standard Oil grew to be a behemoth and by 1911 was broken into 34 companies when the U.S. Supreme Court found it violated the Sherman Antitrust Act.
But what wasn’t so shrewd in today’s terms was this: of all that oil, not a drop was for company culture.

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