Archives: Articles

Know your rights and obligations under the HIPAA Privacy Rule

The HIPAA Privacy Rule is very complex — partially due to the fact that it regulates three very different types of organizations (defined as covered entities), and the rules related to each vary. Amy Broadbent of JRG Advisors talks about the requirements of the HIPAA Privacy Rule and how it impacts your business and workforce.

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How to get the word out about EAPs, which traditionally are under used

Employee Assistance Programs have a long history of success in helping employers and employees tackle complicated and difficult problems. And, yet, EAPs remain an under-used resource for many employees. LifeSolutions’ James Kinville gives ways employers can make employees more aware of EAPs and take advantage of their services.

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How to protect your data and network by building a security plan

As companies grow, it’s easy to miss technology changes that can expose your business to vulnerabilities. No one is immune and protecting your business is not a “set it and forget it” situation. All Covered Pittsburgh’s Stephan J. Cico shares how building a security plan can help.

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Reduce your insurance spend with a group captive

Although group captives have been around for a long time, there’s additional awareness today as business owners and risk managers focus on gaining further advantages over their competitors. Arthur J. Gallagher’s Lori Armstrong discusses how group captives work and when they make sense as an alternative risk strategy.

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