Archives: Articles

Resources for business growth

Duquesne University’s annual Entrepreneur’s Growth & Networking Conference is designed to help the small business community stay competitive, find resources to grow, and network with other small business owners.

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Four ways purposeful brands differentiate from competitors

Building a purposeful brand — one that believes in something more valuable than profits alone — is a challenging but ultimately fruitful journey. It takes time, energy and tenacity to morph a business into the type of company where employees are energized, customers are advocates and competitors are envious.

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Can your company handle the truth?

Thirty years of research at VitalSmarts shows most organizations also can’t handle the truth. And it costs them in every way from customer retention, profitability and diversity, to employee engagement and safety. In fact, our general finding is that you can pretty much measure the health of an organization by measuring the average lag time between identifying and discussing concerns.

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How to encourage healthier behavior in your employees

Employees are a company’s greatest assets — but their health issues can dramatically affect the workplace and a company’s bottom line. Employees who aren’t healthy have lower productivity and higher health costs. That’s why HealthLink’s Carla M. Flamm says you need to know how to talk to your employees about their health.

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What do business owners owe one another?

There are three principles that business owners should keep in mind to avoid legal missteps as the business evolves. In certain states, these duties may be more extensive than in others — those discussed here are specific to Massachusetts, but every region has guidelines that are worth a look.

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