Archives: Articles

Estate planning 101: Stop and think about the pieces

Many people don’t understand that when it comes to transferring property after death a will does not cover all assets. When designing someone’s estate plan, it’s critical to look at the different types of property so the decedent’s intentions will be carried out correctly. Mary Jo ‘MJ’ Baum, an attorney at Semanoff Ormsby Greenberg & Torchia, LLC, explains.

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Why the venture capital world needs more female and minority entrepreneurs

It may come as a surprise that just 3 percent of U.S. startups backed by venture capital are led by women. And only 1 percent are headed by African-Americans. In comparison, things aren’t much better at our nation’s largest biggest businesses, where there are only 20 female CEOs in the S&P 500 and five African American CEOs in the Fortune 500.

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Unstacking the deck: Overcoming bias in the workplace

Bias and stereotyping are prominent topics as the U.S. presidential primary candidates — on both sides — try to appeal to various constituencies. Many of us cringe at the bold comments encompassing gender, LGBT, race, age, religion, ethnicity, socioeconomic status and country of origin. But perhaps we should also regard the situation as an opportunity for each of us to assess our attitudes and beliefs toward others.

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With contracts, know what you’re agreeing to before you sign

Typically there’s conflict between obtaining business (sales) and managing risk. Instead, of having your sales force promising anything and everything to get a deal, Arthur J. Gallagher’s Alan Pepoy shares how to minimize contract risk before it significantly affects your bottom line.

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Friend or foe? Employers struggle to find the FMLA answer

The Family and Medical Leave Act took effect to help balance workplace demands with the medical needs of employees and their families, but many employers feel powerless to stop FMLA abuse. Douglas Fleisner of JRG Advisors discusses solutions for the concerns employers have about the FMLA.

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