Archives: Articles

A look inside the elements of an effective audit committee

The primary purpose of an audit committee is to monitor an entity’s risk and to provide oversight of the entity’s financial reporting, the audit process, the system of internal controls and compliance with laws and regulations, says Maxine G. Romano, CPA, Director of Audit & Accounting at Kreischer Miller.

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Key strategies on how to retain customers

Wondering how to keep up with shifting sands of consumer demands? Finding the previous market data isn’t working as effectively? Are you trying to keep up with trends? One change in lipstick preference by Kim Kardashian can affect an organization’s entire revenue projections.

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Reaffirm your customer relationships

We all have heard the expression, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” You have four specific opportunities to demonstrate that this is truly a customer relationship and not just another sale by Reaffirming Your Customers Relationships.

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Website strategy in 2016: Four things you should know

Website strategy has become a hot topic in recent years. Search, social and mobile are undeniably changing the way that we do business on a daily basis. Determining which new networks, tools and platforms are worth your while has become an important step towards finding success online.

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