Archives: Articles

Technology provides new insights for employer claims advocacy

Business owners don’t have the time or skills to investigate questionable workers’ compensation or general liability claims. You need someone to fight on your behalf, says Kerry Stafford of Arthur J. Gallagher. Find out about claims advocacy, including how technology is helping uncover the truth.

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What foreign companies should consider before setting up in the US

There are many foreign companies that would like to establish a presence in the U.S. But before doing so, there’s a lot to consider. That’s why it’s important to think through your decisions and processes early, in order to function well in the marketplace, says Sequent’s William F. Hutter.

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What you need to know about IRS changes to HSA/HDHP limits

Health savings accounts (HSAs) have become one of the more popular spending accounts for both employees and employers. JRG Advisors’ Frances Horn explains how HSAs typically work within high-deductible health plans and how recent IRS changes will affect that in 2017.

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Clearing up misconceptions surrounding the WOTC

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit incentivizes employers to hire people from target groups who face barriers to employment. Still, companies balk because they’re concerned about being accused of discrimination, the administrative requirements or the credit’s renewal. Terracina Maxwell of Clarus Solutions discusses why employers should give it a second look.

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Selecting the right wellness vendor takes careful study

Over the past 20 years, the popularity of wellness programs has intensified, especially as health care costs have risen. But not all wellness programs are created equal. Choosing the one that best suits a specific company can be a challenge. UPMC Health Plan’s Stephen T. Doyle discusses what to look for in a wellness program.

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