Archives: Articles

Focus on your customers for your tech investments

If your business isn’t focused primarily on technology, which is most of us, knowing where to invest in technology can overwhelming. Fortunately, we don’t have to be on the cutting edge of every advance. The key is to focus on the areas that matter most to your customers.

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Set yourself up to hit your deadlines

We all rely on each other to deliver what was committed to. In business, there are deadlines, commitments and expectations being set that others depend on so that they can make plans and commitments to their constituents.

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More than lip service for your HR management

Human resource management is rarely the first priority in a middle-market firm. Sales and marketing, as well as financial and supply chain management seem more pressing. Yet, it would be a grave error to disregard HR.

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Map out the why

Defining why we do what we do is the difference between good and great. Why isn’t about money or profit — those are results.

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How to provide ongoing protection for your IT security plan

Potential attacks from hackers and malicious organizations are everywhere. All it takes is one vulnerability in the network to become the next Target or Adobe data breach, says Stephan J. Cico of All Covered Pittsburgh. Here’s what you need to know about ongoing IT security protection, including how the cloud fits in.

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