Archives: Articles

The optical illusion in technology

You know that optical illusion where you have to decide whether you see a young woman or old one? That’s how technology and social media seem to me. It all depends on how you see it — and it’s truly not one thing or another.

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The Reeb Avenue Center finds its footing in its first year

You’ve probably heard of the Reeb Avenue Center, a south side community building and nonprofit collaboration that opened in a buzz last September. Just shy of its first anniversary, the center’s leadership has turned its focus to celebrating success stories, growing community buy-in and creating sustainability.

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Looking back on 40 years of rewriting the rulebook

I started Resource International Inc. in 1973. I quickly discovered there were two sets of rules in business: one for men and another for women. I had a choice — I could resign myself to failure in the face of rules and practices that were stacked against me, or I could break them. I chose the latter.

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7 tips to enhance your lead generation marketing

Finding new customers is the lifeblood of most businesses, and “hunting” for new customer leads is a critical component of generating revenue. Yet, most companies never follow up on 80 percent of the leads they generate. With some strategic efforts, you can ensure that valuable lead generation efforts are not wasted at your company.

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