Archives: Articles

How can owners incentivize without giving equity

Incentivizing employees may be one of the oldest conundrums of business strategy. Especially for closely held, owner-managed and family-owned businesses, there has rarely been a simple path to having high-level employees truly embrace increasing the value of the enterprise.

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How to plan for the board of directors' role in a crisis

When a crisis hits a publicly held or private company, the Board of Directors has a unique role in helping its company manage and survive the crisis. Today, directors are expected to take on the role of representing not only shareholders, but the broader array of stakeholders and the public interest.

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You can’t teach someone to care!

When they don’t care, they will pollute your environment, kill your productivity and ruin any chances of repeat business and referrals.
Some issues can be corrected through counseling, teaching and leadership; however, you can’t teach someone to care. They have to make that decision themselves.

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