Archives: Articles

Four ways to achieve a competitive advantage: a framework to mobilize people behind change

The mobilization of an organization’s human resources (HR) behind dynamic change is what strategic HR management is all about. A true catalyst for successful strategy execution is having in place an HR leader in the role of translator — the right-hand person to the CEO, who facilitates the translation of the company’s vision and strategies into the daily activities of every employee.

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10 tips for your marketing dollars

Marketing tactics for your business don’t have to be costly. The challenges that marketing managers face are many. Understanding what new marketing channels make sense while juggling the already established marketing outreach channels. Regardless of what Omni channel marketing approach you have, focus on creating ongoing relevancy for your business is critical to establishing mindshare in your perfect customer’s head as the go to solution for their needs.

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How asking powerful questions can help you win

We want you to think of questions as a starting point for taking a team on a journey. If leaders use just what’s in their own head to take a team somewhere, they are capped by their own knowledge. On the other hand, if leaders ask genuine, open questions of the team — and that doesn’t mean giving up responsibility for where the team needs to go—they are no longer limited to just what they know. Everyone can participate in getting to a new place.

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