Archives: Articles

A look at how a new trade secret law will affect businesses

Every business has trade secrets. Trade secrets can include formulas, processes, methods, know-how, customer lists, business plans and other confidential information. Unfortunately, current or former employees, competitors, vendors and even suppliers can improperly acquire a company’s trade secrets.

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Expectations and the Law of Reciprocity

Life is about give and take. Business transactions often come down to making promises and delivering on them. If you want something, you have to give something. If you want a friend, you have to be a friend. If you want success, you need to help others become successful.

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Innovate authentically: the power of purpose when trying something new

You cannot innovate if your brand stands for your products and services alone. While adopting a culture of innovation has many benefits — finding new, more efficient ways to work, staying connected to a more active consumer and product diversification to name a few — it can also appear insincere if your brand doesn’t already have a reputation for it.

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