Archives: Articles

You can achieve distinction by creating memorable possibilities

Satisfaction comes from making a difference and the ability to exercise your curiosity to discern what is important from both a professional, as well as personal perspective. You relate and empathize with all types of people, thus establishing a connection that is genuine, authentic and trustworthy.

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It's decision time. Do you trust your gut?

Dolf Kahle truly believes your gut is driven by the brain’s experience. If you have been building a successful business over the years, your gut has been trained to know the right direction to steer your brain. Trust it.

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How to get predictable tax results from your captive insurance program

How a captive insurance company is structured and, therefore, how it is taxed, is based on many factors. Factors include the company’s risk perspective, the goals of the program — building liquidity, filling a hole in a risk management program, building a war chest of insurance funds to combat long-term contingent liability — where the captive is based, its size and more.

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Understand a broker’s goal before investing with one

No single statute requires brokers to disclose a conflict of interest, so brokers may put their own or their firm’s interests ahead of their clients’ interests. Investment advisers, on the other hand, operate under a statute that establishes them as fiduciaries.

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