Archives: Articles

Those who break the mold and take the road less traveled

I’m never quite sure how to describe an entrepreneur. It can mean a founder who disrupts an industry, or a second-generation owner who finds new ways to operate. When you read about the winners and finalists from the Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2018 East Central awards, you’ll find both, and more.

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On to the next challenge: M&A from the experts

Dealmakers who have experience with mergers and acquisitions typically enjoy the challenge. They’ve learned how to navigate the negotiating table, deal terms, integration and more. Often, they’re looking for their next big deal.

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Avoiding the blame game

The path to real solutions and progress occurs when people mindfully accept accountability for their own habits, and resolve to improve themselves rather than blame those around them.

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Mastering email marketing

With so much information flooding our inboxes, how can a business make sure that its email marketing gets noticed and acted upon? GREENCREST’s Kelly Borth provides tips to increase open rates and provide a path to conversions.

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