Letters to the editor

Taking a stand

Great article on “Join the PAC” [November 1999]. It is so true. I am chairman of the Ohio Restaurant Association and was past chairman of the Ohio Hospitality Association. The Ohio Hospitality Association is made up of members representing the Ohio Restaurant Association, the Ohio Travel Association and the Ohio Motel & Hotel Association.

In these organizations, we try to raise the awareness level of all members on the importance of PACs. This is a very difficult task, due to the mindset, “We can’t affect the politicians’ decisions.” Everyone says someone else can do it. As you well know, it is a time-consuming thing to get to know your representatives and keep a strong relationship with them.

At the Ohio Restaurant Association, we are putting PAC fund-raising on the forefront of our “battlefields.” For a group that could barely raise $100 a year, our goal for this year is $20,000. We feel confident of the success of this campaign.

Another problem we run into when asking for PAC money, especially from the travel and hotel industries, is the “no deduction availability.” Since these two industries are made up of mostly hired people to run the facilities, vs. the restaurant industry, in which owner operators run the business, the managers of the businesses don’t want to contribute! So raising funds in two of the three industries that we represent is tough!

But, by stronger education and more education, some success stories are starting to follow. We all must educate one another and set up key contact people to help in the process. It all takes time, but it is time well spent.

Just thought I’d write to let you know there are others out here who agree with your stance.

Randy Sokol


Tee Jaye’s Country Place Restaurants

Thanks for filtering

I enjoyed reading and want to commend you on your column, “Must-see Web sites,” in November’s edition of SBN. With the plethora of sites, it is refreshing to know that we have you to lead the way.

Rae Baum, Ph.D.

founder and CEO

The Baum Group/Dr. Rae Baum Associates


Lest we forget

Thanks for an insightful and thought-provoking editorial [“Slow your roll,” SBN, November 1999].

I certainly agree; we move too fast. As you know, it’s tough to slow down when there is so much coming at you so fast.

But, it definitely helps to have people remind you what really matters. Thanks for reminding me.

Betsy Berman

director of marketing & new business

Gosh Enterprises, d.b.a. Charley’s Steakery