Jerry Kysela, resident managing directorof Aon Risk Services Northeast Inc., saysit’s important to give back to the communities that the company serves. He hashelped instill this same principle in employees at the risk management servicesprovider and encourages involvement in avariety of volunteer activities.
The company moved beyond its walls forits 20th anniversary celebration in 2007 andmade an impact in the community by supporting the Boys & Girls Club of GreaterCleveland. Employees were first introduced to the organization’s children duringa “Day of Caring” to commemorate theanniversary. Employees saw how muchthese children appreciated their efforts andattention, so support spread from that dayto several other activities over the nextyear.
Employees took time out to dedicate anafternoon to the children through helpingwith homework, enjoying games and otherplay, and then serving a meal to them.
Employees also cleaned and redecoratedthe club’s “Little Rascals Room,” a specialarea for children ages 6 to 9. Employeesspent two days using their own resourcesto work on the room and make it a welcoming environment for the children.
During the holidays, employees took timeout from activities with their own families tospend some time with the children. Severalworked with students one-on-one on holidaygifts for loved ones, and others participatedin a Santa workshop, where they helped children shop and pick out holiday gifts.
Finally, Aon donated $20,000 to the club.That money was raised by employees inthe Akron, Cleveland, Columbus andYoungstown offices through activities suchas bowl-a-thons and other corporate donations.
Aon’s involvement with the Boys & GirlsClub has created a better understanding ofthe company’s neighbors and how muchpositive impact it can have across the community.
Giving back doesn’t stop with the Boys &Girls Club. Aon employees are involvedwith numerous organizations and activities. During the holidays, the company decorates a giving tree in its lobby. Employeesare encouraged to take names off the treeand purchase gifts for the children throughCuyahoga County’s Children and FamilyServices. Employees in the Akron area distribute gifts and food to more than 50 families through Project Santa Claus with theAkron Jaycees.
HOW TO REACH: Aon Risk Services Northeast Inc., (216) 621-8100 or