Working together

Hold employees accountable. We have chosen the five most important things that the employee is supposed to be responsible for. And those five things are the most important things to the company.
There are always going to be, these things happen and those things happen, but they have to perform on five major facets of their job. It allows the employee to not concentrate on all the little issues but to keep their eyes focused on the five most important things the company wants them to do.
And it’s simplified — rather than make it 10 things or 20 things or whatever, (it’s) the five most important things, and to us, that drives the culture and the vision. These five things for this employee pushes into the five things for the next person in the level above them and five things for the person above that person, and pretty soon, we accomplish and reach our goal.
It’s a matter of taking their job description and mixing it with their actual [job], which is funny because job descriptions don’t always match up to the actual job an employee does. Then there’s an evaluation of what are the five most important things that this person has to accomplish in a quarter’s time.
Every job is different, but we pick the five most important things that that person is supposed to do in their job.
We all expect our employees to perform, but some of us have to nitpick to find fault in things. Employees have hundreds of things to do. But what is important is the five most important things they do that make this company prosper.
Forget about the other small stuff; it wastes too much time. Get them to perform on the important issues and make them feel important and part of the success.
HOW TO REACH: Universal Services of America LLC, (714) 619-9700 or