Power & Utilities
Mike Donovan picked up a clever mantra early in his career that has helped him shape Heat Transfer Solutions Inc.: Good is the enemy of the best.
That mantra has helped drive Donovan every day, as he wakes up each day wondering how he, as principal of the exclusive McQuay supplier in Southeast and Central Texas, can better create solutions for his clients.
So when HTS came to Houston in 2001, Donovan realized his product didn’t have a great reputation in Texas because of previous suppliers. So he worked to recreate trust by incorporating market-changing concepts like offering five-year parts and labor warranties, presenting clients with customized sales terms and incentivizing his sales force with top-notch compensation plans.
By 2002, HTS had grown to become a full-fledged solutions provider of equipment design, maintenance and operation, and the company began to invest largely in HVAC parts and added internal departments focused on building controls and service and parts sales. The growth continued in 2004 when, on a tight budget, the company added a service component offering aftermarket parts storage and distribution, client consignment of parts, and establishing a marketing presence. As a result, the company continued to offer more and more services and expertise to customers.
All this growth came at a great risk, but Donovan had his mind set on being the best, so the company took on the debt and has begun to build the McQuay brand into a name customers can trust in Texas. So while it would have been good enough for Donovan and his employees to be good, they have continuously taken the steps to become the best in the industry. As a result, Donovan has overseen growth of more than 5,000 percent since he took over the McQuay brand in Texas.
How to reach: Heat Transfer Solutions Inc., (832) 328-1010 or