What do your employees cut back on when they’re harried by busy schedules?
Sleep, according to a National Sleep Foundation poll — and it could affect their work performance, attention to safety and driving habits.
The poll found nearly 70 percent of Americans experience frequent sleep problems, and 63 percent do not get the recommended eight hours of sleep needed for good health, safety and optimum performance.
In fact, studies have found nearly 53 percent of all work-related accidents may be related to sleepiness, reports the Ohio Sleep Medicine Institute in Dublin.
“We are paying a high price for this lifestyle, in terms of insufficient sleep and its consequences,” says Helmut S. Schmidt, M.D., founder and medical director of the Ohio Sleep Medicine Institute.
For tips to improve sleep, visit www.sleepfoundation.org/publications/goodnights.html at the National Sleep Foundation Web site. How to reach: Ohio Sleep Medicine Institute, (614) 766-0773 or www.sleepohio.com.