Allocating advertising dollars is a painful necessity business owners understand. The trouble comes in deciding where to spend that money. What method will generate the best return?
That question prompted Montrose-based Dataq Instruments Inc., to hire the Goldstein Group Communications Inc. to implement strategies to track leads.
“Any activity that has the potential of generating a lead is assigned an advertising code,” says Roger Lockhart, vice president of marketing for Dataq.
All advertisements have a test and measurement code specific to the publication and date in which they run. Lockhart says the system also helps track the effectiveness of the sales staff and whether the sale is new.
“For a company to grow it must increase the base of new sales,” Lockhart says. “At the end of the year, we’ve been able to review all of the new sales and determine the return on post cards, ads, trade shows and so on.”
Reach Goldstein Group Communications at (216) 398-0030