What’s your price?
By Daniel Bates
Everybody has a price, or so the saying goes. The question is, how do you determine it?
Oakmont-based SelfImage Business Associates, apparently weary of teaching difficult pricing formulas to its clients, decided to automate the process. So the firm has come up with Foundation Finances, a customized computer software program that provides pricing and break-even analysis based on the raw data you plug in.
Among the program’s benefits, says Jo Ann Forrester, founder and president of SelfImage Business Associates, is the fact that it presents an immediate picture of the company’s overhead; it shows the impact of that overhead on profits; it automatically adjusts prices for increased costs; it sets recognizable goals for each day of the year; and it analyzes the impact of wages and salaries on profits.
“Our clients were the driving influence for us to develop this program,” Forrester says. “Finding themselves caught between the competition and the need to bring in sales, many companies underbid the jobs and literally sell themselves out of business. Our program clearly defines the limits of profit and loss and helps them make informed decisions in a competitive situation.”
For more information about the software, contact SelfImage at (800) 550-5282.