Which law firms have the best Web sites?
While it doesn’t rate a firm’s legal expertise, a Pennsylvania organization does rate law firms’ Web sites, based on their “appearance and usefulness.”
PA-Attorney.com, a Web site that offers information for the state’s law firms and attorneys, rates sites in terms of their ability to hold a visitor’s attention. Sites are rated with a pocket watch system, ranging from one watch to four watches, with four indicating a site a visitor is likely to spend the most time with.
The rating is based on the usefulness of the site, not the competence of the firm. PA-Attorney lists and rates sites at no charge.
While the sites of no firms based in Beaver, Butler, Washington or Westmoreland counties hold a four-watch rating, seven Allegheny County firms earned the highest rating.
The Allegheny County law firm sites that received a four-watch rating are Edgar Snyder Associates www.edgarsnyder.com; Buchanan Ingersoll PC www.bipc.com; Cohen & Grigsby PC www.cohenlaw.com; Eckert, Seamans, Cherin & Mellott www.escm.com; Reed Smith www.rssm.com; Thorp, Reed & Armstrong www.thorpreed.com; and Tucker Arensberg PC www.tuckerlaw.com. How to reach: PA-Attorney, www.pa-attorney.com