With trust comes relief — Nurturing confidence in and out of your organization advances your mission

“With trust comes relief.” At Flying Horse Farms this core value drives every decision we make. And the best news is that it travels well beyond the gates of camp.
When you build trust, it transforms the way you work and the way your clients work with you. When your clients trust you to deliver the highest quality product or service, and you consistently exceed expectations, they find relief.
Establishing trust advances our mission year after year. And our mission is a big one — to provide transforming camp experiences for children with serious illnesses.
When campers and families pass through our gates, everyone takes a collective sigh of relief. Our fun, medically safe environment inspires campers to forget their illnesses, and encourages caregivers to release their worries. That can only happen with complete trust.
Extending trust outward
If you focus on this one core value, your organization will make significant progress in a short amount of time. Focusing on trust allowed us to transition in four years from a startup nonprofit to a fully rooted and sustainable organization.
In order to grow, the foundation of trust must extend outward.
Be passionate about your work and engage your entire staff. You must be personally invested in the well-being of your clients, the condition of your community and the needs of your corporate partnerships.
From the beginning, we carefully constructed a holistic approach to healing. That approach has translated into partnerships with seven Ohio children’s hospitals, as well as the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh.
The doctors and nurses who work with us trust that we are well prepared to manage all medical scenarios — the expected and unexpected.
It doesn’t end there. Our donors are confident we will be good stewards of their funds. Our volunteers are certain we will always treat them with kindness (or as we call it, the best customer service on the planet). And our families have faith that we will consistently deliver on our promise to transform the lives and minds of our campers.
Get started by trusting your own people
If you’re wondering where to begin — start with your staff.
At Flying Horse Farms, we empower our staff and medical advisory board to think strategically through every step of a camper’s care. We speak with doctors to chart detailed medical histories. We work with families to evaluate psychosocial needs. And we adapt programs so every camper can participate, regardless of their physical or medical requirements.
The result?
An environment where a camper with limited mobility proudly makes his or her way through a high ropes course. A place where a camper with sickle-cell disease happily jumps into the pool for the first time. And a home where campers who grew up feeling isolated and different find relief in friendship around the campfire.
Trust is the seed planted in the hearts of our campers, and in the minds of our community, donors, volunteers and hospital partners. From that seed, we cultivate rich and lasting relationships, which help us achieve our mission.

With trust and time — your customer relationships, staff engagement and business will flourish.